Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Everyone is masculine and femine, rarely in very different proportions.
Society has given us quite a few "norms" to follow.
Why is it so that to be more masculine, guys don't sing, not for fun what so ever.
But if a guy is working out, no one gives it a thought that he is singing along to Rihanna.
Why can't we sing when we wanna and work out when we wanna.
Why do we always have to weigh up one action with another, or cover up a femine side with a masculine.
If we did what we wanted and not what we thought we should, wouldn't it all fit a lot better?
I admit that I sing when I'm alone, I mime the lyrics when i walk on the streets and I dance whenever I think I can.
I train as often I can with others, I tell people when I've been training and I like to compare myself to guys less buildt than myself.
When I'm drunk I don't care so much about how people look, I never feel ashamed to dance, to the music I like and I never feel ashamed of how I look.

People who don't drink, don't bitch and don't only dance one their own.
Are they automaticly gay or are they just guys?
You be the judge, don't let society judge for you.

Should't all of us guys be a bit gayer?

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